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Employment Privacy and Data Protection Policy

VERMEG Employment Privacy Policy describes the privacy and security practices that VERMEG employ when collecting, using and handling personal information about employees. It also explains the choices employees have in relation to these processing activities.
VERMEG takes the protection of employees’ personal information very seriously.

VERMEG understands the importance of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of such data. This commitment reflects VERMEG’s dedication to complying with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

This policy may be updated periodically to adhere to legal obligations or align with evolving business demands. The latest version can always be accessed on VERMEG’s website.

This Privacy Policy applies to VERMEG’s processing of personal information of employees.

This policy governs the handling of employees’ personal data throughout their employment journey with VERMEG, ensuring compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

VERMEG processes personal information of employees that is provided directly by them or collected during the course of their employment. The following categories of personal information may be processed for employment-related activities:

  • Identifiers: This includes name, email address, contact details, and any other information necessary for communication and identification purposes.

  • Employment and Educational Background: Information related to employees’ educational qualifications, employment history, job qualifications, and work eligibility, including nationality and country of residence.

  • CV, Resume, and Supporting Documentation: This includes resumes, curriculum vitae, transcripts, and any attachments or supporting documents provided by employees during the recruitment process or throughout their employment.

  • Compensation Details: Information regarding salary, benefits, and other compensation-related details, as applicable and relevant to the employment relationship.

  • Employment References: Information provided by previous employers or professional references regarding employees’ past performance and qualifications.

  • Background Check Information: Verification of employees’ financial educational and professional background as part of the hiring process or as required by regulatory or legal obligations.

  • Personality and Competency Assessments: Information gathered through assessments or evaluations conducted by VERMEG to assess employees’ suitability for specific roles or to support professional development initiatives.

  • Survey Data: Information collected through surveys conducted by VERMEG for the purpose of gathering feedback, improving workplace practices, or assessing employee satisfaction.

  • Publicly Available Information: Information obtained from publicly available sources, such as social media or other online platforms where employees have made their information publicly accessible.

VERMEG uses employees’ personal information for the following purposes:

  • Communication and Employee Management: VERMEG utilize personal data to effectively communicate with employees, respond to their inquiries, and address their requests related to employment matters.

  • Employment Processes and Administration: Personal data is used for various employment-related purposes, including recruitment, evaluation, background checks, and the hiring process. This may involve assessing qualifications, conducting performance evaluations, and maintaining employment records.

  • System Usage and Improvement: VERMEG may utilize personal data to enable employees’ use of internal systems, such as HR portals or other relevant platforms, for administrative and operational purposes.

  • Security and Compliance: Personal data is processed to maintain the security and integrity of VERMEG’s internal systems, networks, and employee portals. This includes implementing appropriate security measures and access controls to protect against unauthorized access or misuse. We also process personal data to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies governing our business operations.

  • Business Operations: Personal data may be used for general business operations, such as record-keeping, internal reporting, and compliance monitoring. This ensures the smooth functioning of our organization and helps us fulfill our legal and regulatory obligations.
VERMEG’s legal entities, which are based in different locations, are responsible for employment information as described in this Privacy Policy. See the list of VERMEG’s locations.

Depending on your country of residence, in accordance with applicable law, you may have certain rights in relation to our use of information about you, such as the right to request access, correct and update, erase or delete, and obtain a copy of your personal information.

  • Delete personal information: In certain circumstances, employees have the right to request the erasure of personal data. This includes situations where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

  • Change or correct personal information: employees have the right to request the rectification or update of personal information.

  • Right to access and/or receive a copy of personal information: obtain a copy of some of personal information.

To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please contact VERMEG using the information provided in Section VIII.

VERMEG may share personal information with third parties under the following circumstances:

  • With service providers and business partners who assist in delivering services, subject to their compliance with appropriate data protection obligations.

  • With competent authorities, law enforcement agencies, or other government bodies to comply with legal obligations or protect its rights and the rights of others.

  • In connection with a business transaction, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, where personal information may be transferred to third parties as part of the transaction.

  • With consent or as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law.

VERMEG has appointed a Global Data Protection Officer.

For any questions, inquiries, suggestions, comments please contact VERMEG DPO dpo@VERMEG.com.